You know the feeling you get when you haven't talked with a friend or family member for a long while - you'd been meaning to call them for ages, but then you sort of start avoiding that phone conversation because now it's been so long that you feel like it's going to have to be the longest, most meaningful, most absolutely epic conversation ever, and the pressure is just too much?
That's kinda how I'm feeling about this little bloggy-blog right now.
So please forgive if this one's a little longer than usual...I promise it's worth it. :)
So much has happened over the past month, and even since the beginning of 2012, and it shows no signs of slowing (I'll fill you in on those details in good time) -
which goes to show that time waits for no man -
which brings me to the word of the year:
This is our motto for the year - to live intentionally and purposefully. We're tired of wasting our time, talents, and resources, and we're ready for a change! Instead of making your typical new year's resolutions, we've resolved to be more intentional with our lives and the daily decisions we make. We're also coming out of a year of photography that was, needless to
say, very blessed and incredibly fun, but also needless to say, very
exhausting! We're looking forward to having a few more open weekends this year to spend some intentional time with ones we love!

Of course, we both have specific things we want to change - like cook meals on a regular basis instead of busting out cereal for supper - or exercise regularly and eat better (see not eating cereal for every meal). But the "intentionality" movement is a larger, overarching theme that will cause a fair amount of change in its wake without us dictating those more specific factors. Basically, if we wake up each morning and live that day intentionally, for God, using discretion in decision making and looking to make the most of our time, resources, and talents, then our habits will be forced to change - God willing for the better - and 2012 will be a more fulfilling, productive, and meaningful year than any we've experienced before!
So. That's my intro to 2012. What do you think?
If you feel the same way, and want to join us in being more intentional this year, please leave a comment!!