Guess what we did today!
Oh, you figured it out? That's right, we did a shoot with a wonderful family and their special guest, Bucky Badger!
There's something so magical about Bucky. First off, it's utterly impossible to be in a sour mood when he's around. And secondly, he makes you feel like a 4-year-old who believes in unicorns again. Even though you know deep down it's some random guy in a costume, somehow Bucky is real, a timeless character who frickin' steals your heart.
If you're not a Badger you might not know the feeling, but that's ok, just imagine that unicorns are really real, and listen to THIS, and you'll get a hint of what I'm getting at. ;)
On Wisconsin!
agreed so hardcore... i mean i've even met some of the guys outside of the suit and they still get me... my first true love was w/ bucky!!!