Wednesday, October 19, 2011

You Can't Handle The Truth

We had our last playoff game before the final tonight...and man, was it legendary.  
I use that word sparingly, believe me, but tonight it was well deserved.  Truthfully, I'm exhausted and I just want to go take a shower and soak my right big toe, so I won't get too gritty with the deets.  Let's just say we lost two quick points, then brought it back to 7-3 at half, only to play the most intense and nerve-wracking game of my life by letting them tie up at 14-14 - more commonly known as UNIVERSE POINT - where the first to 15 wins all...
...There were injuries all over the place, fouls called left & right, let alone the crazy wind and intermittent rain, all during the epic 2.5 hour ordeal...
And we pulled it in for a victory.
I am so proud of these people. :)

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